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Anti-Diet Work As Death Work
Module 1: Welcome!
Lesson 1: What is Death Work? A Death Midwife's Perspective
Lesson 2: Some Logistics & Best Practices To Know Before You Start
Lesson 3: The Joyful & Devastating Act of Giving Up Diet Culture
Toolkit: 12 Tools to Use Throughout This Course
How to Use the Toolkit
Tool #1: Journal Prompts
Tool #2: Before/After/Self Care Rituals
Tool #3: Rad Sympathy Cards & Postcards We Made Just For You For This Class
Tool #4: Death Meditation
Tool #5: Baking Grief Cake
Tool #6: Sacred Body Adornment (6:54)
Tool #7: Grief Playlist on Spotify
Tool #8: Breathwork
Tool #9: Cord Cutting Ritual for Letting Go of Thin Dreams
Tool #10: Tarot Spread Suggestions
Tool #11: Mourning Pages
Tool #12: Grieving Can Take Practice: Here's How to Start
Module 2: Meet the Instructors & Read About Their Relationship to Death
Lesson 4: A Letter from Virgie & Angela
Lesson 5: Virgie's (Abridged) Death Autobiography
Lesson 6: Angela's (Abridged) Death Autobiography
Module 3: Meet Your New Best Friend, Grief
Lesson 7: What Grief Is
Lesson 8: How Grief Manifests One Year Into Angela's Anti-Diet Journey
Lesson 9: How Grief Manifests A Decade Into Virgie's Anti-Diet Journey
Module 4: The Types of Death We Face During Anti-Diet Work
Lesson 10: The Thin Dream
Lesson 11: Control
Lesson 12: Bootstrapping & Neoliberalism
Lesson 13: Gender Conformity
Lesson 14: Normative Desirability
Lesson 15: Whiteness
Lesson 16: Social Ease
Lesson 17: Able-Bodiedness
Module 5: Conclusion
Some Loving Words from Angela & Virgie
Exit Survey (we'll love you forever if you take it!)
Lesson 4: A Letter from Virgie & Angela
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